New Master Hare / Meister Lampe Builders Kit

New Master Hare / Meister Lampe Builders Kit
✪ 25x Fullperm Sculpty Maps 
✪ 17x Fullperm Baked Shadow Textures 
✪ 25- 28 Prims 
✪ + Fullperm Brush Sculptys and Textures 
✪ 2x Examples [copy and modify] 
✪ Sculpty Rezzer [Autobuilder] 
✪ Fullpermission License / ToS

✪Master Hare with 3 different Ears, Head, Eyes, Nose, Jaw, Tooth, Neck, Torso, Chest Fur, Legs, Feet, Arms and Rucksack with Belt
Special Offer! Reduced Prices at inworld Store!

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